department of natural resources and environmental control
Division of Air and Waste Management
Secretary’s Order No.: 2011-A-0003
1124 Control of Volatile Organic Compound Emissions
RE: Approving Final Amendments to 7 DE Admin. Code 1124, Control of Volatile Organic Compound Emissions:
Section 8.0, “Handling, Storage, and Disposal of Volatile Organic Compounds;
Section 13.0, “Automobile and Light-Duty Truck Coating Operations”; Section 16.0, “Paper Coating”;
Section 23.0, “Coating of Flat Wood Paneling”; Section 37.0, “Graphic Art Systems”;
and Section 45.0, “Industrial Cleaning Solvents”
Date of Issuance: January 20, 2011
Effective Date of the Amendment: March 11, 2011
Under the authority vested in the Secretary of the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (“Department” or “DNREC”) the following findings, reasons and conclusions are entered as an Order of the Secretary in the above-referenced rulemaking proceeding.
Background and Procedural History
This Order considers proposed regulation amendments to 7 DE Admin. Code 1124, Control of Volatile Organic Compound Emissions: Section 8.0, “Handling, Storage, and Disposal of Volatile Organic Compounds”; Section 13.0, “Automobile and Light-Duty Truck Coating Operations”; Section 16.0, “Paper Coating”; Section 23.0, “Coating of Flat Wood Paneling”; Section 37.0, “Graphic Art Systems”; and Section 45.0, “Industrial Cleaning Solvents”. It should be noted that this regulatory promulgation initially included additional proposed amendments to be made to 7 DE Admin. Code 1124, at Section 47.0, “Offset Lithographic Printing”. The Department has, at this time, formally withdrawn the proposed amendments to Section 47.0, as substantive changes to the same were necessitated as a result of the public comment received by the Department in this matter. The Department will be addressing its revised proposed amendments to Section 47.0 of 7 DE Admin. Code 1124 in a separate regulatory promulgation in the immediate future.
Section 182(b)(2) of the Clean Air Act requires that all ozone non-attainment areas, including Delaware, must develop or update relevant regulations to implement Reasonably Available Control Technology controls on emission sources covered in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”)’s Control Techniques Guidelines (“CTG”), or Alternative Control Techniques, and submit the regulations to EPA as State Implementation Plan revisions.
The aforementioned six sections of 7 DE Admin. Code 1124 addressed within these proposed regulation amendments were originally developed in the early 1990’s, based on EPA’s CTGs. From September 2006 to September 2008, the EPA updated relevant CTGs to reflect technology developments or to expand Volatile Organic Compound (“VOC”) emission controls. The aforementioned proposed revisions reflect DNREC’s incorporation of the recent CTG information into existing Delaware Regulation 1124.
The Department’s Air Quality Management (AQM) Section of the Division of Air and Waste Management (DAWM) commenced the regulatory development process with Start Action Notices 2009-14, 2009-22, 2009-23, 2009-26, 2009-24, and 2009-25. The Department published the proposed regulatory amendments in the May 1, 2010 Delaware Register of Regulations and held a public hearing on June 2, 2010. The Department’s presiding hearing officer, Lisa A. Vest, prepared a Hearing Officer’s Report dated December 12, 2010 (Report). The Report recommends certain findings and the adoption of the proposed Amendments as attached to the Report as Appendix A.
Findings and Discussion
I find that the proposed Amendments are well-supported by the record developed by the Department, and adopt the Report to the extent it is consistent with this Order. The Department’s experts in AQM developed the record and drafted the proposed Amendments. It should be noted that the Department received no public comments with regard to the proposed amendments to the aforementioned Sections to 7 DE Admin. Code 1124.
I find that the Department’s experts in the AQM Section of the DAWM fully developed the record to support adoption of these Amendments. With the adoption of these regulatory amendments, Delaware will have the Department’s regulations conform to EPA’s regulations, as required by the Clean Air Act.
In conclusion, the following findings and conclusions are entered:
1.) The Department has jurisdiction under its statutory authority to issue an Order adopting these proposed Amendments as final;
2.) The Department provided adequate public notice of the proposed Amendments, and provided the public with an adequate opportunity to comment on the proposed Amendments, including at a public hearing;
3.) The Department held a public hearing on June 2, 2010 on the proposed Amendments in order to consider public comments before making any final decision;
4.) The Department’s Hearing Officer’s Report, including its recommended record and the recommended Amendments as set forth in Appendix A, are adopted to provide additional reasons and findings for this Order;
5.) The recommended Amendments do not reflect any substantive changes from the proposed regulation Amendments as published in the May 1, 2010, Delaware Register of Regulations;
6.) The recommended Amendments should be adopted as final regulation Amendments because (1) Delaware will be enabled to conform to new CTG as issued by the EPA; (2) the Department’s revisions to 7 DE Admin. Code 1124 will enable Delaware to do the following: (i) add a new definition section and update the existing work practice standards according to the new CTGs with regard to the handling, storage, and disposal of VOC [Section 8.0]; (ii) set more stringent VOC limits for automobile and light-duty truck coating operations [Section 13.0]; (iii) expand the regulated scope from paper coating units only to “paper, film and foil coating units” [Section 16.0]; (iv) create a more stringent and uniform standard for all 5 coatings of flat wood paneling products [Section 23.0]; (v) add provisions for flexible packaging printing presses and establish efficiency requirements for control systems to be installed on the flexible packaging printing presses [Section 37.0]; and (vi) clarifies that the regulatory requirements for industrial cleaning solvents are triggered based on a limit of “VOC emissions” rather than “solvent used” [Section 45.0]; and (3) the regulation amendments are well supported by documents in the record; and that
7.) The Department shall submit this Order approving the final regulation to the Delaware Register of Regulations for publication in its next available issue, and provide such other notice as the law and regulation require and the Department determines is appropriate.
Collin P. O’Mara, Secretary
1124 Control of Volatile Organic Compound Emissions
*Please Note: Due to the size of the proposed regulation, it is not being published here. A copy of the regulation is available at: DE Reg XXX 03-01-11.htm
(Break in Continuity of Sections)
11/29/1994 mm/dd/2010
8.1 Except as provided for in 8.3 [of this regulation], the requirements of 8.0 of this regulation apply to[:] any facility that is subject to any of the requirements of 10.0 through 50.0 of this regulation, and any facility that emits at least 6.8 kg/day (15 lb/day) of VOC before consideration of controls.
8.2 Definitions
"Cleanup solvent" means a VOC-containing material used to remove any loosely held uncured (i.e., not dry to the touch) adhesive or sealant that is subject to 4.0 of 7 DE Admin. Code 1141 from a substrate, or to clean equipment used in applying an adhesive or sealant subject to 4.0 of 7 DE Admin. Code 1141.
"Electrical and electronic components" means components and assemblies of components that generate, convert, transmit, or modify electrical energy. Electrical and electronic components include, but are not limited to, wires, windings, stators, rotors, magnets, contacts, relays, printed circuit boards, printed wire assemblies, wiring boards, integrated circuits, resistors, capacitors and transistors. Cabinets in which electrical and electronic components are housed are not considered electrical and electronic components.
"Flushing" means pumping a solvent from a reservoir through a pipe or hose or through equipment (e.g., pipes, hoses, tanks) to remove contaminants or residue.
"Hand-wiping" means a method of cleaning a surface by physically rubbing it with a material such as a rag, paper, sponge or a cotton swab moistened with a solvent.
"Medical device" means an instrument, apparatus, implement, machine, contrivance, implant, in vitro reagent or other similar article, including any component or accessory that is, (i) intended for use in the diagnosis of disease or other conditions, or in the cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of diseases, or (ii) is intended to affect the structure or any function of the body, or (iii) is defined in the National Formulary or the United States Pharmacopoeia or any supplement to it.
"Non-manufacturing area cleaning" means the cleaning of cafeterias, laboratories, pilot facilities, restrooms, office buildings, etc.
"Medical Device and Pharmaceutical Manufacturing" means Medical devices; pharmaceutical products; and associated manufacturing and product handling equipment and material, work surfaces, maintenance tools and room surfaces that are subject to US FDA current Good Manufacturing/Laboratory Practice, or CDC/NIH guidelines for biological disinfection of surfaces.
“Pharmaceutical product” means a preparation or compound, which includes any drug, analgesic, decongestant, antihistamine, cough suppressant, vitamin, mineral or herb supplement intended for human or animal consumption and used to cure, mitigate or treat disease or improve or enhance health.
"Precision optics" means the optical elements used in electro-optical devices that are designed to sense, detect, or transmit light energy, including specific wavelengths of light energy and changes of light energy levels.
"Solvent Cleaning Operation" means the removal of uncured adhesives, inks, coatings, or contaminants including dirt, soil, and grease from parts, products, tools, machinery, equipment, and general work areas. Solvent cleaning operations include hand-wiping, surface preparation, flushing and the cleaning of spray guns/cleaning of equipment used to spray coatings, adhesives, etc.
"Stripping" means the removal of cured coatings, cured inks, or cured adhesives.
"Surface preparation" means the removal of contaminants such as dust, soil, oil, grease, etc., prior to coating, adhesive, or ink applications.
"Surface preparation solvent" means a solvent used to remove dirt, oil and other contaminants from a substrate prior to the application of a primer, adhesive or sealant that is subject to 4.0 of 7 DE Admin. Code 1141.
8.3 Exemptions.
8.3.1 The requirements of 8.0 this regulation do not apply to any equipment or operation that is specifically subject to the emission limitations of 10.0, 11.0 or 38.0 of this regulation; or to any piece of equipment that is specifically subject to the requirements of 33.0 of this regulation.
8.3.2 Existing sources affected by 8.0 of this regulation shall comply with the provisions of 8.0 of this regulation on and after [(insert the effective date) March 11, 2011], except for the requirements of 8.5 of this regulation. Existing sources affected by 8.5 of this regulation shall comply with the requirements of 8.5 of this regulation beginning as soon as practical, but no later than [(insert one year after the effective date) March 11, 2012]. New, modified, or reconstructed sources affected by 8.0 of this regulation shall comply with the provisions of 8.0 of this regulation on and after startup.
8.3.3 The requirements of 8.5 of this regulation shall not apply to any facility subject to 47.0 of this regulation, or to: The surface preparation or cleaning of electrical and electronic components; The surface preparation or cleaning of precision optics; The surface preparation or cleaning of numismatic dies; Stripping of cured inks, coatings, and adhesives; The cleaning of resin, coating, ink, and adhesive mixing, molding, and application equipment; Surface preparation associated with research and development activities; Surface preparation associated with medical device and pharmaceutical manufacturing; Cleaning associated with performance or quality assurance testing of coatings, inks, or adhesives involved; Non-manufacturing area cleaning, and The use of any surface preparation solvent or cleanup solvent subject to 4.0 of 7 DE Admin. Code 1141.
8.4 Work Practice Standards.
8.14.1 No owner or operator of a facility subject to 8.4 of this regulation may cause, allow, or permit the disposal of more than five kilograms (kg) (11 pounds [lb]) of any VOC, or of any materials containing more than five kg (11 lb) of any VOCs, at that facility in any one day in a manner that would permit the evaporation of VOC into the ambient air. This provision does not apply to: Any VOC or material containing VOC emitted from a regulated entity that is subject to a VOC standard under this regulation. Coating sources that are exempt from the emission limitations of 10.0 through 23.0 of this regulation. Waste paint (sludge) handling systems, water treatment systems, and other similar operations at coating facilities using complying coatings. Any VOC or material containing VOCs used during process maintenance turnarounds for cleaning purposes, provided that the provisions of 8.4.3, 8.4.4, and 8.4.5 and 8.4.6 of this regulation are followed.
8.14.2 The requirements of 8.14.1 of this regulation includes, but [is are] not limited to, the disposal of VOC from VOC control devices.
8.14.3 No owner or operator of a facility subject to 8.4 of this regulation shall use open containers for the storage or disposal of cloth or paper impregnated with VOCs that are used for surface preparation, cleanup, or coating removal. Containers for the storage or disposal of cloth or paper impregnated with VOCs shall be kept closed, except when adding or removing material.
8.14.4 No owner or operator of a facility subject to 8.4 of this regulation shall store in open containers spent or fresh VOC to be used for surface preparation, cleanup or coating removal or VOC containing material. Containers for the storage of spent or fresh VOCs or VOC containing material shall be kept closed, except when adding or removing material.
8.14.5 No owner or operator of a facility subject to 8.4 of this regulation shall use VOC for the cleanup of spray equipment unless equipment is one or more of the following methods are used to collect the cleaning compounds and to minimize their evaporation to the atmosphere. Use of an enclosed spray gun cleaning system that is kept closed when not in use. Non-atomized discharge of solvent into a waste container that is kept closed when not in use. Disassembly of the spray gun and cleaning in a vat that is kept closed when not in use. Atomized spray into a waste container that is fitted with a device that captures atomized solvent emissions. Any alternative technique that has been demonstrated to, and accepted by the Department as producing emissions that are equal to or less than the emissions from the techniques specified in through of this regulation. Emissions from any alternative technique shall be demonstrated pursuant to test protocols that are approved in advance by the Department.
8.4.6 Any owner or operator of a facility subject to 8.4 of this regulation shall: Convey VOC-containing cleaning materials from one location to another in closed containers or pipes. Handle and transfer all fresh and spent cleaning solvent and other VOC-containing material to or from any container, tank, vat, vessel, mixing vessel, or piping system, etc. in such a manner that minimizes spills and other losses. Clean up spills of fresh and spent cleaning solvent and other VOC-containing material immediately.
8.4.7 Any owner or operator of a facility subject to 8.4 of this regulation shall minimize air circulation around cleaning operations and shall implement equipment practices that minimize emissions including keeping part cleaners covered when not in use, and maintaining cleaning equipment to repair solvent leaks.
8.5 Control Requirements. No owner or operator of a facility subject to 8.5 of this regulation shall use any liquid VOC containing material for any solvent cleaning operation that does not meet one of the requirements of 8.5.1 through 8.5.3.
8.5.1 The VOC content is equal to or less than 50 grams VOC per liter (0.42 1b/gal), as applied, or
8.5.2 The VOC composite vapor pressure is equal to or less than 8 millimeters of mercury (mmHg) at 20 degrees Celsius [(20°C)], as applied, or
8.5.3 The emissions of that material are controlled by an emission control system that: Achieves an overall control efficiency of equal to or greater than 85 percent, by weight, or Maintains a maximum outlet total organic carbon concentration of 20 parts per million by volume (ppmv) as carbon (C1) on a dry basis.
8.6 Test Methods and Procedures.
8.6.1 Any owner or operator subject to 8.5.1 of this regulation shall determine the VOC content of each cleaning solution using the test methods and procedures specified in Appendix A and Appendix B of this regulation, or using the manufacturer's product formulation data, and the following equation:
VOC Content (in grams per liter of material) = (WS -WW -Wes)/Vm
WS = Weight of volatile compounds in grams(g);
WW = Weight of water, in g;
Wes = Weight of exempt compounds in g;
Vm = Volume of material in liters
8.6.2 Any owner or operator subject to 8.5.2 of this regulation shall determine the VOC composite vapor pressure of each cleaning solution using the test methods and procedures specified in Appendix A and Appendix B of this regulation, or using the manufacturer's product formulation data, and the following equation:
Wi = Weight of the ith VOC compound, in grams (g);
Ww = Weight of water, in g;
We = Weight of exempt compound, in g;
MWi = Molecular weight of the ith VOC compound, in grams per gram-mole
MWw = Molecular weight of water, in grams per gram-mole
MWe = Molecular weight of exempt compound, in grams per gram-mole;
[PPC PPc]= VOC composite partial pressure at 20°C, in mmHg
VPi = Vapor pressure of the ith VOC compound at 20°C, in mmHg
8.6.3 Any owner or operator subject to 8.5.3 of this regulation shall conduct an initial test to demonstrate the efficiency of each emission control system using the applicable test methods and procedures specified in Appendix A through Appendix E of this regulation. The cleaning operation shall operate at maximum operating conditions and flow rates during any emission testing.
8.7 Recordkeeping. Any owner or operator subject to 8.5 of this regulation shall maintain all of the information necessary for the Department to determine compliance with the applicable requirements of [Section] 8.5 of this regulation. Such information shall be made available to the Department upon verbal or written request, and shall be maintained for a minimum of five years from the date such record is created. Information sufficient to determine compliance shall include, but is not limited to the following:
8.7.1 Name and quantity of each cleaning solvent used,
8.7.2 VOC content or vapor pressure of each cleaning solvent, as applied,
8.7.3 Material Safety Data Sheets for all cleaning solvents used,
8.7.4 Documentation of air pollution control equipment efficiency or capture efficiency, if applicable,
8.7.5 Date and type of maintenance performed on air pollution control or capture equipment, if applicable, and
8.7.6 Quantity of non-compliant solvent used, in gallons, for each day, each week, and calendar year.
(Break in Continuity of Sections)
01/11/1993 mm/dd/2010
13.1 Applicability
13.1.1 The provisions of 13.0 of this regulation apply to the following coating operations in an automobile or light-duty truck assembly plant: each prime coat operation, each electro-deposition (EDP) prime coat operation, each primer surfacer operation, each topcoat operation, and each combined primer surfacer and topcoat operation, each final repair operation and each miscellaneous motor vehicle materials operation.
13.1.2 The requirements in 13.3.41[, and] 13.6 and 13.9 of this regulation also apply to heavy-duty trucks that use EDP to apply prime coat.
13.1.3 Anti-chip coatings, as applied to automobile and light-duty truck components such as, but not limited to, rocker panels, the bottom edge of doors and fenders, and the leading edge of the hood or roof, are considered primer surfacers.
13.1.4 Application to metal parts of underbody anti-chip coatings (e.g., underbody plastisol) and coatings other than prime, primer-surfacer, topcoat, and final repair and miscellaneous motor vehicle materials shall be subject to the requirements of 22.0 of this regulation (Miscellaneous Metal Parts).
13.1.5 The requirements in 13.3 of this regulation do not apply to automobile and light-duty truck assembly plants whose plant-wide, actual emissions without control devices are less than 6.8 kilograms (kg) (15 pounds [lb]) of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) per day.
13.1.6 An owner or operator of a facility whose emissions are below the applicability threshold in 13.1.5 of this regulation shall comply with the certification, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements in 4.2 of this regulation.
13.1.7 Any facility that becomes or is currently subject to all of the provisions of 13.0 of this regulation by exceeding the applicability threshold in 13.1.5 of this regulation will remain subject to these provisions even if its emissions later fall below the applicability threshold.
13.1.8 Any facility that is currently subject to a state or federal rule promulgated pursuant to the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1977 by exceeding an applicability threshold is and will remain subject to these provisions, even if its throughput or emissions later fall below the applicability threshold.
13.1.9 Transition period for existing permitted sources. Every owner or operator of any automobile or light-duty truck assembly plant that has a permit issued pursuant to 7 DE Admin. Code 1102 or 1130 containing all applicable conditions of 13.0 of this regulation, as that regulation existed on January 11, 1993, shall comply with those permit conditions [until December 31, 2010 for up to one year after the effective date of this revision of 13.0 of this regulation]. On and after [January 1, 2011 the date one year after the effective date of this revision of 13.0 of this regulation], every such owner or operator shall comply with the provisions of 13.0 of this regulation.
13.2 Definitions. As used in 13.0 of this regulation, all terms not defined herein shall have the meaning given them in this regulation or in the Clean Air Act Amendments (CAAA) of November 15, 1990, or in 2.0 of this regulation.
"Adhesive" means any chemical substance that is applied for the purpose of bonding two surfaces together other than by mechanical means.
“Application area” means the area where a coating is applied by dipping or spraying.
“Automobile” means a motor vehicle capable of carrying no more than 12 passengers.
"Automobile and light-duty truck adhesive" means an adhesive, including glass bonding adhesive, used at an automobile or light-duty truck assembly coating facility, applied for the purpose of bonding two vehicle surfaces together without regard to the substrates involved.
"Automobile and light-duty truck bedliner" means a multi-component coating, used at an automobile or light-duty truck assembly coating facility, applied to a cargo bed after the application of topcoat and outside of the topcoat operation to provide additional durability and chip resistance.
“Automobile and light-duty truck body” means the exterior and interior surfaces of an automobile or light-duty truck including, but not limited to, hoods, fenders, cargo boxes, doors, grill opening panels, engine compartment, all or portions of the passenger compartment, and trunk interior.
"Automobile and light-duty truck cavity wax" means a coating, used at an automobile or light-duty truck assembly coating facility, applied into the cavities of the vehicle primarily for the purpose of enhancing corrosion protection.
"Automobile and light-duty truck deadener" means a coating, used at an automobile or light-duty truck assembly coating facility, applied to selected vehicle surfaces primarily for the purpose of reducing the sound of road noise in the passenger compartment.
"Automobile and light-duty truck gasket/gasket sealing material" means a fluid, used at an automobile or light-duty truck assembly coating facility, applied to coat a gasket or replace and perform the same function as a gasket. Automobile and light-duty truck gasket/gasket sealing material includes room temperature vulcanization (RTV) seal material.
"Automobile and light-duty truck glass bonding primer" means a primer, used at an automobile or light-duty truck assembly coating facility, applied to windshield or other glass, or to body openings, to prepare the glass or body opening for the application of glass bonding adhesives or the installation of adhesive bonded glass. Automobile and light-duty truck glass bonding primer includes glass bonding/cleaning primers that perform both functions (cleaning and priming of the windshield and other glass, or body openings) prior to the application of adhesive or the installation of adhesive bonded glass.
"Automobile and light-duty truck lubricating wax/compound" means a protective lubricating material, used at an automobile or light-duty truck assembly coating facility, applied to vehicle hubs and hinges.
"Automobile and light-duty truck sealer" means a high viscosity material, used at an automobile or light-duty truck assembly coating facility, generally, but not always, applied in the paint shop after the body has received an electrodeposition primer coating and before the application of subsequent coatings (e.g. primer-surfacer). The primary purpose of the automobile and light-duty truck sealer is to fill body joints completely so that there is no intrusion of water, gases or corrosive materials into the passenger area of the compartment. Such materials are also referred to as sealant or caulk.
"Automobile and light-duty truck trunk interior coating" means a coating, used at an automobile or light-duty truck assembly coating facility outside of the primer-surfacer and topcoat operations, applied to the trunk interior to provide chip protection.
"Automobile and light-duty truck underbody coating" means a coating, used at an automobile or light-duty truck assembly coating facility, applied to the undercarriage or firewall to prevent corrosion and/or provide chip protection.
"Automobile and light-duty truck weatherstrip adhesive" means an adhesive, used at an automobile or light-duty truck assembly coating facility, applied to weatherstripping materials for the purpose of bonding the weatherstrip material to the surface of the vehicle.
“Electro-deposition (EDP)” means a method process of applying a protective, corrosion resistant waterborne prime coat by which the automobile or truck body is submerged in a tank filled with coating material and an electrical field is used to effect the deposition of the coating material on the body. Also referred to as E-Coat, Uni-Prime, and ELPO Primer.
“EDP prime coat operation” means the application area or areas, flashoff area or areas, and oven or ovens that are used to apply and dry or cure the EDP prime coat on components of automobile and truck bodies on a single assembly line.
“Final repair operation” means the application area or areas, flashoff area or areas, and oven or ovens used to apply and dry or cure coatings that are used to repair topcoat on fully assembled automobiles or light-duty truck bodies from a single assembly line. operations performed and coating applied to completely assembled motor vehicles or to parts that are not yet on a completely assembled vehicle to correct damage or imperfections in the coating. The curing of the coatings applied in these operations is accomplished at a lower temperature than used for curing primer-surfacer and topcoat. This lower temperature cure avoids the need to send parts that are not yet on a completely assembled vehicle through the same type of curing process used for primer-surfacer and topcoat and is necessary to protect heat sensitive components on completely assembled vehicles.
"In-line Repair" means the operation performed and coating used to correct damage or imperfections in the topcoat on parts that are on a completely assembled vehicle. The curing of the coatings applied in these operations is accomplished at essentially the same temperature as that used for curing the previously applied topcoat. Also referred to as high bake repair or high bake reprocess. In-line repair is considered part of the topcoat operation.
“Light-duty truck” means any motor vehicle rated at 3,864 kg (8,500 lb) gross weight or less designed primarily to transport property.
“Prime coat operation” means the application area or areas, flashoff area or areas, and oven or ovens that are used to apply and dry or cure the prime coat on components of automobile and light-duty truck bodies on a single assembly line.
“Primer-surfacer operation” means the application area or areas, flashoff area or areas, and oven or ovens that are used to apply and dry or cure primer surfacer between the prime coat and the topcoat operations on components of automobile and light-duty truck bodies on a single assembly line. The primer surfacer coat is also referred to as the "guidecoat."
"Primer-surfacer" means an intermediate protective coating applied over the electrodeposition primer and under the topcoat. Primer-surfacer provides adhesion, protection and appearance properties to the total finish. Primer-surfacer may also be called guide coat or surfacer. Primer-surfacer operations may include other coatings (e.g., anti-chip, lower-body anti-chip, chip resistant edge primer, spot primer, blackout, deadener, interior color, basecoat replacement coating, etc) that are applied in the same spray booth.
"Primer-surfacer and topcoat protocol" means the EPA document "Protocol for Determining the Daily Volatile Organic Compound Emission Rate of Automobile and Light-Duty Truck Primer-Surfacer and Topcoat Operations", EPA 453/R-08-002, September 2008.
“Solids turnover ratio (RT) (RT)” means the ratio of total volume of coating solids that is added to the EDP system in a calendar month divided by the total volume design capacity of the EDP system.
“Topcoat” means the final coating or coatings on components of automobile and light-duty truck bodies applied to provide the final color and/or a protective finish. The topcoat may be a monocoat color or basecoat/clearcoat system. In-line repair and two-tone are part of topcoat. Topcoat operations may include other coatings (e.g., blackout, interior color, etc.) that are applied in the same spray booth.
“Topcoat operation” means the application area or areas, flashoff area or areas, and oven or ovens used to apply and dry or cure topcoat on components of automobile and light-duty truck bodies on a single assembly line.
“Topcoat protocol” means the EPA document "Protocol for Determining the Daily VOC Emission Rate of Automobile and Light-Duty Truck Topcoat Operations," EPA 450/3-88-018, December 1988.
“Volume design capacity” means for the EDP system the total liquid volume that is contained in the EDP system (tanks, pumps, recirculating lines, filters, etc.) at the system's designed liquid operating level. The EDP system volume design capacity is designated LE LE.
13.3 Standards
13.3.41 No owner or operator of an EDP prime coat operation subject to 13.0 of this regulation shall cause or allow on any day the application of any coating on that operation with VOC content, as applied, that exceeds either of the following: 0.17 kg/L (1.4 lb/gal) 0.084 kg/l (0.7 lb/gal) of coating solids from any EDP prime coat operation when the solids turnover ratio (RT) is 0.16 or greater. RT shall be calculated as follows:
TV =Total volume of coating solids that is added to the EDP system in a calendar month (liters).
LE = Volume design capacity of the EDP system (liters). 0.17 x 350 (0.160 - RT) 0.084 x 350 (0.160-RT) kg VOC/Ll of applied coating solids from any EDP prime coat operation when RT, calculated according to [the equation in 13.1 Equation 13-1] of this regulation, is greater than or equal to 0.040 and less than 0.160. When RT, calculated according to [the equation in 13.1 Equation 13-1] of this regulation, is less than 0.040 for any EDP prime coat operation, there is no emission limit.
13.3.32 No owner or operator of an automobile or light-duty truck primer surface operation subject to 13.0 of this regulation shall cause or allow on any day VOC emissions which do not comply with one of the following: 1.44 kg VOC/liter of deposited solids (12.0 lb VOC/gal deposited solids) on a daily weighted average basis as determined by [13.6.2 13.7.2 of this regulation]. 1.8 kg/L (15.1 lb/gal) of solids deposited. 0.34 kg/L (2.8 lb/gal) of coating, excluding water and exempt compounds, as applied.
13.3.23 No owner or operator of an automobile or light-duty truck topcoating operation subject to 13.0 of this regulation shall cause or allow on any day VOC emissions that do not comply with one of the following: 1.44 kg VOC/liter of deposited solids (12.0 lb VOC/gal deposited solids) on a daily weighted average basis as determined by [13.6.2 13.7.2 of this regulation]. 1.8 kg/L (15.1 lb/gal) of solids deposited. 0.34 kg/L (2.8 lb/gal) of coating, excluding water and exempt compounds, as applied.
13.3.14 No owner or operator of an automobile or light-duty truck prime coat operation or final repair operation subject to 13.0 of this regulation shall cause or allow on any day the application of any coating on that operation with VOC content, as applied, that does not comply with one of the following: emission limits 0.14 kilograms per liter (kg/Ll) (1.2 pounds per gallon [lb/gal]) of coating, excluding water and exempt compounds, as applied, from any prime coat operation. 0.58 kg/Ll) (4.8 lb/gal) of coating, excluding water and exempt compounds, as applied, from any final repair operation. 4.10 kg/Ll) (34.2 lb/gal) of solids deposited from any final repair operation.
13.3.5 No owner or operator of an automobile or light-duty truck combined primer-surfacer and topcoat operation subject to 13.0 of this regulation shall cause of allow VOC emissions that do not comply with 1.44 kg VOC/liter of deposited solids (12.0 lb VOC/gal deposited solids) on a daily weighted average basis as determined by [13.6.2 13.7.2 of this regulation].
13.3.6 Additional VOC content limits for miscellaneous motor vehicle materials used at automotive and light-duty truck assembly facilities (grams of VOC per liter of coating excluding water and exempt compounds, as applied) [are shown in Table 13-1 of this regulation].
Table 13-1
13.3.7 The VOC emission limits in 13.3 of this regulation do not apply to materials supplied in containers with a net volume of 16 ounces or less or a net weight of one pound or less.
13.3.58 As an alternative to compliance with the emission limits in,, and of this regulation, an owner or operator may meet the requirements of 13.4 or 13.5 of this regulation.
13.4 Daily-weighted average limitation. No owner or operator subject to 13.0 of this regulation shall apply, during any day, coatings in any non-electro-deposition (non-EDP) prime coat, final repair, topcoat, or primer surfacer or miscellaneous motor vehicle materials operation whose daily-weighted average VOC content, calculated in accordance with the procedure specified in Appendix C of this regulation, exceeds the applicable emission limits in 13.3.14, and of this regulation.
13.5 Control devices
13.5.1 An owner or operator subject to 13.0 of this regulation shall may comply with the applicable emission limits for any non-EDP prime coat, final repair, topcoat, or primer surfacer coating operation by: Installing and operating a capture system on that operation. Installing and operating a control device on that operation. Determining for each day the overall emission reduction efficiency needed to demonstrate compliance. The overall emission reduction needed for a day is the lesser of the value calculated according to the procedure in 3.0 3.1 and 3.2 of Appendix C of this regulation for that day or 95%. Demonstrating each day that the overall emission reduction efficiency achieved for that day, as determined in 3.0 of Appendix D of this regulation, is greater than or equal to the overall emission reduction efficiency required for that day.
13.5.2 An owner or operator subject to 13.0 of this regulation shall ensure that: A capture system and control device are operated at all times the coating operation is in use, and the owner or operator demonstrates compliance with 13.0 of this regulation through the applicable coating analysis and capture system and control device efficiency test methods specified in Appendix B, Appendix D and Appendix E of this regulation and in accordance with the capture efficiency test methods in Appendix D of this regulation. The control device is equipped with the applicable monitoring equipment specified in 2.0 of Appendix D of this regulation, and the monitoring equipment is installed, calibrated, operated, and maintained according to the vendor's specifications at all times the control device is in use.
13.6 Compliance procedures for EDP prime coat operations
13.6.1 The owner or operator of an EDP prime coat operation subject to 13.0 of this regulation shall use the procedures in 40 CFR 60.393(c)(1) (July 1, 1992 2009) to determine compliance if a capture system and a control device are not used to comply with the emission limits in or of this regulation.
13.6.2 The owner or operator of an EDP prime coat operation subject to 13.0 of this regulation shall use the procedures in 40 CFR 60.393(c)(2) (July 1, 1992 2009) to determine compliance if a capture system and a control device that destroys VOC (e.g., incinerator) are used to comply with the emission limits in or of this regulation.
13.6.3 The owner or operator of an EDP prime coat operation subject to 13.0 of this regulation shall use the procedures in 40 CFR 60.393(c)(3) (July 1, 1992 2009) to determine compliance if a capture system and a control device that recovers the VOC (e.g., carbon adsorber) are used to comply with the emission limits in or of this regulation.
13.7 Test methods
13.7.1 The test methods found in Appendix A through Appendix D of this regulation shall be used to determine compliance with 13.3.1,, and, 13.3.6 and [13.3.7 13.3.8] of this regulation.
13.7.2 An owner or operator shall use the primer-surfacer and topcoat protocol to determine compliance with, and of this regulation. This protocol "Protocol for Determining the Daily Volatile Organic compound Emission Rate of Automobile and Light-duty Truck Primer-Surfacer and Topcoat Operations" EPA453/R-08-002, September 2008 can be found at
13.8 Recordkeeping and reporting for non-EDP prime coat, and final repair and miscellaneous motor vehicle materials coating operations.
13.8.1 An owner or operator of an automobile or light-duty truck coating operation that is exempt from the emission limitations in, and 13.3.6 of this regulation shall comply with the certification, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements in 4.2 of this regulation.
13.8.2 An owner or operator of an automobile or light-duty truck coating operation subject to 13.0 of this regulation and complying with, and 13.3.6 of this regulation by the use of complying coatings shall comply with the certification, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements in 4.3 of this regulation.
13.8.3 An owner or operator of an automobile or light-duty truck coating operation subject to 13.0 of this regulation and complying with, and 13.3.6 of this regulation by daily-weighted averaging shall comply with the certification, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements in 4.4 of this regulation.
13.8.4 An owner or operator of an automobile or light-duty truck coating operation subject 13.0 of this regulation and complying with, and 13.3.6 of this regulation by the use of control devices shall comply with the testing, reporting, and recordkeeping requirements in 4.5 of this regulation.
13.9 Recordkeeping and reporting for EDP prime coat operations. An owner or operator of an EDP prime coat operation subject to 13.0 of this regulation and complying with the requirements in, and of this regulation shall comply with the following:
13.9.1 Certification. By November 15, 1993 or upon startup of a new EDP prime coat operation, the owner or operator shall certify to the Department that the coating operation is and will be in compliance with the requirements in or of this regulation on and after November 15, 1993, or on and after the initial startup date. Such certification shall include: The name and location of the facility. The address and telephone number of the person responsible for the facility. Identification of subject sources. A copy of the calculations performed to determine RT and the calculations performed pursuant to 13.6 of this regulation to demonstrate compliance for the EDP prime coat operation for the month prior to submittal of the certification.
13.9.2 Recordkeeping. On and after November 15, 1993 or on and after the initial startup date of a new EDP prime coat operation, the owner or operator shall collect and record the following information for each EDP prime coat operation. These records shall be maintained at the facility for at least five years and shall be made available to the Department upon verbal or written request: For each day, the total daily volume of coating solids that is added to the EDP system. For each month, calculation of RT using the equation in of this regulation. For each month, the calculations used in the compliance determinations specified in 13.6 of this regulation.
13.9.3 Reporting. On and after November 15, 1993, the owner or operator of an EDP prime coat operation subject to 13.0 of this regulation shall notify the Department in either of the following instances: Any record showing noncompliance with the appropriate emission limit for the EDP prime coat operation. At least 30 calendar days before changing the method of compliance from one of the procedures in 13.6 of this regulation to another of the procedures in 13.6 of this regulation, the owner or operator shall comply with the certification requirements in 13.9.1 of this regulation.
13.10 Reporting and recordkeeping for topcoat and primer surfacer operations.
13.10.1 An owner or operator of an automobile or light-duty truck coating operation subject to 13.0 of this regulation and complying with, [ 13.2.1] or of this regulation shall comply with the following: Certification. At least 120 days prior to the initial compliance date, the owner or operator of a coating operation subject to the topcoat and primer surfacer limit in, [ 13.3.2] or of this regulation shall submit to the Department a detailed proposal specifying the method of demonstrating how the compliance test will be conducted according to the topcoat protocol 13.7.2 [of this regulation]. The proposal shall include a comprehensive plan (including a rationale) for determining the transfer efficiency at each booth through the use of in-plant or pilot testing; the selection of coatings to be tested (for the purpose of determining transfer efficiency), including the rationale for coating groupings; and a method for tracking coating usage during the transfer efficiency test. Upon approval by the Department, the owner or operator may proceed with the compliance demonstration. Recordkeeping The owner or operator shall maintain at the facility for a period of 5 years all test results, data, and calculations used to determine VOC emissions from each topcoat and each primer surfacer operation according to the topcoat protocol. If control devices are used to control emissions from an automobile or light-duty truck topcoat or primer surfacer operation, the owner or operator shall maintain records according to through of this regulation. Reporting. Any instance of noncompliance with the emission limit in, [ 13.3.2] or of this regulation shall be reported to the Department within 45 calendar days.
13.10.2 An owner or operator of an automobile or light-duty truck coating operation subject to 13.0 of this regulation and complying with and of this regulation by the use of complying coatings shall comply with the certification, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements in 4.3 of this regulation.
13.10.3 An owner or operator of an automobile or light-duty truck coating operation subject to 13.0 of this regulation and complying with and of this regulation by daily-weighted averaging shall comply with the certification, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements in 4.4 of this regulation.
13.10.4 An owner or operator of an automobile or light-duty truck coating operation subject to 13.0 of this regulation and complying with and of this regulation by the use of control devices shall comply with the testing, reporting and recordkeeping requirements 4.5 of this regulation.
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16.1 Applicability
16.1.1 The provisions of 16.0 of this regulation apply to any paper, film, or foil coating unit.
16.1.2 The provisions of 16.0 of this regulation do not apply to any paper, film, or foil coating unit within a facility whose actual emissions (including related cleaning activities) without control devices from all paper, film, or foil coating units within the facility are less than 6.8 kilograms (kg) (15 pounds [lb]) of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) per day.
16.1.3 An owner or operator of a facility whose emissions are below the applicability threshold in 16.1.2 of this regulation shall comply with the certification, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements of 16.7.1 of this regulation.
16.1.4 Any facility that becomes or is currently subject to the provisions of 16.0 of this regulation by exceeding the applicability threshold in 16.1.2 of this regulation will remain subject to these provisions even if its emissions later fall below the applicability threshold.
16.1.5 Any facility that is currently subject to a state or federal rule promulgated pursuant to the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1977 by exceeding an applicability threshold is and will remain subject to these provisions, even if its throughput or emissions have fallen or later fall below the applicability threshold.
16.1.6 The provisions of 16.0 of this regulation does not apply to any coating unit in-line with any offset lithographic, screen, letterpress, flexographic, rotogravure, or digital printing operation. Such coating units may be subject to 37.0 or 47.0 of this regulation, whichever is applicable.
16.1.7 Transition period for existing permitted sources. Every owner or operator of any paper coating unit that is subject to a permit issued pursuant to 7 DE Admin. Code 1102 or 1130 containing all applicable conditions of 16.0 of this regulation, as that regulation existed on January 11, 1993, shall comply with those permit conditions [until December 31, 2010 for up to one year after the effective date of this revision of 16.0 of this regulation]. On and after [January 1, 2011 the date one year after the effective date of this revision of 16.0 of this regulation], every such owner or operator of any paper coating unit shall comply with the provisions of 16.0 of this regulation.
16.2 Definitions. As used in 16.0 of this regulation, all terms not defined herein shall have the meaning given them in the November 15, 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments (CAAA), or in 2.0 of this regulation.
"Coating" means a material being applied, or an action of applying such a material, onto or impregnated into a substrate for decorative, protective, or functional purpose.
“Paper, film, or foil coating line” means a web coating line where coating is applied to paper a series of coating applicators, flash-off areas, and any associated curing/drying equipment between one or more unwind/feed stations and one or more rewind/cutting stations to apply a coating onto a continuous strip of substrate (a web). Printing presses are not considered paper coating lines. Products produced on a paper, film, or foil coating line include, but are not limited to, adhesive tapes and labels, book covers, post cards, office copier paper, drafting paper, and pressure sensitive tapes and labels. Paper cCoating lines include, but are not limited to, application by impregnation or saturation or by the use of roll, knife, or rotogravure coating. A coating line may include more than one coating unit.
“Paper, film, or foil coating unit” means a coating application station and its associated flashoff area, drying area, or oven wherein coating is applied and dried or cured on a paper coating line. A paper coating line may include more than one paper coating unit any coating unit applying a coating to paper, film, or foil substrates used in the manufacturing of several major product types for the following industry sectors: pressure sensitive tape and labels (including fabric coated for use in pressure sensitive tapes and labels); photographic film; industrial and decorative laminates; abrasive products (including fabric coated for use in abrasive products) and flexible packaging (including coating of non-woven polymer substrates for use in flexible packaging). Paper, film, or foil coating unit also includes a coating unit applying a coating during miscellaneous coating operations for several products including: corrugated and solid fiber boxes; die-cut paper paperboard, and cardboard; converted paper and paperboard not elsewhere classified; folding paperboard boxes, including sanitary boxes; manifold business forms and related products; plastic aseptic packaging; and carbon paper and inked ribbons.
16.3 Standards. No owner or operator of any paper, film, or foil coating unit shall operate the coating unit unless the owner or operator meets the applicable requirements listed under 16.3.1, 16.3.2, 16.3.3, and 16.3.4 of this regulation.
16.3.1 Except as specified in 16.3.2 of this regulation, Nno owner or operator of a paper coating unit subject to 16.0 of this regulation shall cause, allow, or permit the application of any coating on that unit with VOC content in excess of 0.35 kilograms per liter (kg/L) (2.9 pounds per gallon [lb/gal]) of coating, excluding water and exempt compounds, as applied 0.40 kilogram VOC per kilogram of solid applied (kg/kg) (0.40 pound of VOC per pound of solid [lb/lb]).
16.3.2 For pressure sensitive tape and label surface coating, no application of any coating on that unit with VOC content in excess of 0.20 kilogram VOC per kilogram of solid applied (kg/kg) (0.20 pound of VOC per pound of solid [lb/lb]).
16.3.23 As an alternative to compliance with the emission limit in 16.3.1 or 16.3.2 of this regulation, an owner or operator of a paper, film, or foil coating unit subject to 16.0 of this regulation may meet the requirements of 16.4 or 16.5 of this regulation.
16.3.4 When handling cleaning materials, an owner or operator of a paper, film, or foil coating unit shall comply with 8.0 of this regulation.
16.4 Daily-weighted average limitation. No owner or operator of a paper, film, or foil coating unit subject to 16.0 of this regulation shall apply, during any day, coatings on that unit whose daily-weighted average VOC content, calculated in accordance with the procedure specified in Appendix C of this regulation, exceeds the emission limit in 16.3.1 or 16.3.2 of this regulation, whichever is applicable.
16.5 Control devices
16.5.1 An owner or operator of a paper, film, or foil coating unit subject to 16.0 of this regulation may comply with 16.0 of this regulation by: Installing and operating a capture system on that unit. Installing and operating a control device on that unit. Determining for each day the overall emission reduction efficiency needed to demonstrate compliance. The overall emission reduction needed for a day is the lesser of the value calculated according to the procedure in 3.0 of Appendix C of this regulation for that day or 95%. If the calculated efficiency is less than 90%, use 90% as the needed efficiency. Demonstrating each day that the overall emission reduction efficiency achieved for that day, as determined in 3.0 of Appendix D of this regulation, is greater than or equal to the overall emission reduction efficiency required needed for that day as determined in of this regulation.
16.5.2 An owner or operator of a paper, film, or foil coating unit subject to 16.0 of this regulation shall ensure that: A capture system and control device are operated at all times the coating unit is in operation, and the owner or operator demonstrates compliance with 16.0 of this regulation through the applicable coating analysis and capture system and control device efficiency test methods specified in Appendix B, Appendix D and Appendix E of this regulation and in accordance with the capture efficiency test methods in Appendix D of this regulation. The control device is equipped with the applicable monitoring equipment specified in 2.0 of Appendix D of this regulation, and the monitoring equipment is installed, calibrated, operated, and maintained according to the vendor's specifications at all times the control device is in use.
16.6 Test methods. The test methods found in Appendix A through Appendix D of this regulation shall be used to determine compliance with 16.0 of this regulation.
16.7 Recordkeeping and reporting
16.7.1 An owner or operator of a paper, film, or foil coating unit that is exempt from the emission limitations in 16.3 of this regulation shall comply with the certification requirements in 4.2 of this regulation within six months after [insert the effective date of this revision of 16.0 [of this regulation]], and with the recordkeeping and reporting requirements in 4.2 of this regulation on and after [insert the effective date of this revision of 16.0 [of this regulation]].
16.7.2 An owner or operator of a paper, film, or foil coating unit subject to 16.0 of this regulation and complying with 16.3 of this regulation by the use of complying coatings shall comply with the certification requirements in 4.3 of this regulation within six months after [insert the effective date of this revision of 16.0 [of this regulation]], and with the recordkeeping and reporting requirements in 4.3 of this regulation on and after [insert the effective date of this revision of 16.0 [of this regulation]].
16.7.3 An owner or operator of a paper, film, or foil coating unit subject to 16.0 of this regulation and complying with 16.4 of this regulation by daily-weighted averaging shall comply with the certification, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements in 4.4 of this regulation.
16.7.4 An owner or operator of a paper, film, or foil coating unit subject to 16.0 of this regulation and complying with 16.5 of this regulation by the use of control devices shall comply with the testing requirements in 4.5 of this regulation within six months after [insert the effective date of this revision of 16.0 [of this regulation]], and with the reporting and recordkeeping requirements in 4.5 of this regulation on and after [insert the effective date of this revision of 16.0 [of this regulation]].
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23.1 Applicability
23.1.1 The provisions of 23.0 of this regulation apply to any flat wood paneling coating line, except as specified in 23.1.2 of this regulation.
23.1.2 The provisions of 23.0 of this regulation do not apply to: Aany flat wood paneling coating line within any facility whose actual emissions without control devices from all flat wood paneling coating lines within the facility are less than 6.8 kilograms (kg) (15 pounds [lb]) of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) per day. Class I hardboard paneling finishes, particle board used in furniture, insulation board, exterior siding, tileboard, and softwood plywood coating lines.
23.1.3 An owner or operator of a facility whose emissions are below the applicability threshold in 23.1.2[.1] of this regulation shall comply with the certification, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements of 23.7.1 of this regulation.
23.1.4 Any facility that becomes or is currently subject to the provisions of 23.0 of this regulation by exceeding the applicability threshold in 23.1.2[.1] of this regulation will remain subject to these provisions even if its emissions later fall below the applicability threshold.
23.1.5 Any facility that is currently subject to a state or federal rule promulgated pursuant to the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1977 by exceeding an applicability threshold is and will remain subject to these provisions, even if its throughput or emissions have fallen or later fall below the applicability threshold.
23.2 Definitions. As used in 23.0 of this regulation, all terms not defined herein shall have the meaning given them in the November 15, 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments (CAAA), or in 2.0 of this regulation.
“Class I hardboard paneling finish” means finishes that meet the specifications for Class I of Voluntary Product Standard PS-59-73 as approved by the American National Standards Institute.
“Class II hardboard paneling finish” means finishes that meet the specifications for Class II of Voluntary Product Standard PS-59-73 as approved by the American National Standards Institute.
"Exterior siding" means wood panels with a flat surface made of solid wood, hardboard, or waferboard and are intended for use in commercial or residential construction, generally as a covering for an outside wall.
“Flat wood paneling coating line” means a coating line used to apply and dry or cure coatings applied to one of the following flat wood paneling product categories: printed interior panels made of hardwood plywood and thin particle board (i.e., less than or equal to 0.64 centimeter (cm) (0.25 inch [in.]) in thickness); natural finish hardwood plywood panels; and hardwood paneling with Class II finishes.
“Hardboard” is a panel manufactured primarily from inter-felted ligno-cellulosic fibers that are consolidated under heat and pressure in a hot press.
“Hardwood plywood” is plywood whose surface layer is a veneer of hardwood.
“Natural finish hardwood plywood panels” means panels whose original grain pattern is enhanced by essentially transparent finishes frequently supplemented by fillers and toners.
“Printed interior panels” means panels whose grain or natural surface is obscured by fillers and basecoats upon which a simulated grain or decorative pattern is printed.
“Thin particleboard” is a manufactured board that is 0.64 cm (0.25 in.) or less in thickness made of individual wood particles that have been coated with a binder and formed into flat sheets by pressure.
“Tileboard” means paneling that has a colored, waterproof surface coating paneling that meets the specifications for Class I hardboard given by the standard ANSI/AHA A135.4-1995 as approved by the American National Standards Institute. The standard specifies requirements and test methods for water absorption, thickness swelling, modulus of rupture, tensile strength, surface finish, dimensions, squareness, edge straightness, and moisture content for five classes of hardboard. Tileboard is also known as Class I hardboard or tempered hardboard.
23.3 Standards
23.3.1 No owner or operator of a flat wood paneling coating line subject to 23.0 of this regulation shall cause or allow, on any day, VOC emissions from the coating of any one of the following flat wood paneling product categories in excess of the emission limits in though Table 23-1 of this regulation:
Flat wood paneling product category | kg/100m2 a | lb/1,000ft2 a | | | Printed interior panels Natural finish hardwood plywood panels Class II finish on hardboard panels | 2.9 5.8 4.8 | 6.0 12.0 10.0 |
a VOC content values are expressed in units of mass of VOC (kg, lb) per area of coated finished product (100 square meters [m2], 1,000 square feet [ft2])
Table 23-1. VOC Emission Limits from Flat Wood Paneling Coatings.
Flat Wood Paneling Product Category | VOC Content Limits in Coatings, Inks, or Adhesives Being Applied | |
lb/gal | g/L | |
Printed interior panels made of hardwood, plywood, or thin particleboard | 2.1* | 250 |
Natural finish hardwood plywood panels | 2.1 | 250 |
Class II finishes on hardboard panels | 2.1 | 250 |
Tileboard | 2.1 | 250 |
Exterior siding | 2.1 | 250 |
*This limit of 2.1 lb/gal is equivalent to 5.0 lb VOC per 1,000 ft2 coating area.
23.3.2 As an alternative to compliance with the emission limits in 23.3.1 of this regulation, an owner or operator of a flat wood paneling coating line may meet the requirements of 23.5 of this regulation.
23.4 [Reserved] Work Practice Standards. No owner or operator of a flat wood paneling coating line subject to 23.0 of this regulation shall perform coating operation of any flat wood paneling category in Table 23-1 of this regulation unless the owner or operator meets the work practice requirements of 8.0 of this regulation.
23.5 Control devices
23.5.1 An owner or operator of a flat wood paneling coating line subject to 23.0 of this regulation may comply with 23.0 of this regulation by: Installing and operating a capture system on that line. Installing and operating a control device on that line. Determining for each day the overall emission reduction efficiency needed to demonstrate compliance. The overall emission reduction needed for a day is the lesser of the value calculated according to the procedure in 23.6.2 of this regulation for that day or 95%. greater of: lesser of the value calculated according to the procedure in 23.6.2 of this regulation for that day or 95%, or 90%. Demonstrating each day that the overall emission reduction efficiency achieved for that day, as determined in [5.0 3.0] of Appendix D of this regulation, is greater than or equal to the overall emission reduction efficiency required needed for that day as determined in of this regulation.
23.5.2 An owner or operator of a flat wood paneling coating line subject to 23.0 of this regulation shall ensure that: A capture system and control device are operated at all times that the line is in operation, and the owner or operator demonstrates compliance with 23.0 of this regulation through the applicable coating analysis and capture system and control device efficiency test methods specified in Appendix B, Appendix D and Appendix E of this regulation and in accordance with the capture efficiency test methods in Appendix D of this regulation. The control device is equipped with the applicable monitoring equipment specified in 2.0 of Appendix D of this regulation, and the monitoring equipment is installed, calibrated, operated, and maintained according to the vendor's specifications at all times the control device is in use.
23.6 Test Methods and Efficiency of Control System
23.6.1 Test methods. The test methods found specified in 23.6, of this regulation and in Appendix A, Appendix B and Appendix D of this regulation shall be used to determine compliance.
23.6.2 Overall emission reduction efficiency for control systems. The required overall emission reduction efficiency of the control system for the day shall be calculated according to the following equation:
E = The required overall emission reduction efficiency of the control system for the day.
VOCa = The maximum VOC content of the coatings, as applied, used each day on a coating line in units of kg VOC/100 m2 of coated finished product (lb VOC/1,000 ft2), lb VOC/gal of coating material applied (or kg VOC/L of coating material applied), as determined by the applicable test methods and procedures specified in Appendix B of this regulation.
S = applicable VOC emission limitation in Table 23-1 of this regulation in terms of kg VOC/100 m2 of coated finished product (lb VOC/1,000 ft2) lb VOC/gal of coating material applied (or kg VOC/L of coating material applied).
23.7 Recordkeeping and reporting
23.7.1 Requirements for coating sources exempt from emission limitations. An owner or operator of a flat wood paneling coating line that is exempt from the emission limitations of 23.3 of this regulation because combined VOC emissions on any day from all flat wood paneling coating lines at the facility are below the applicability threshold specified in of this regulation, before the application of capture systems and control devices, shall comply with the following: Certification. By November 15, 1993, Within six months after [insert the effective date of this revision of 23.0 [of this regulation]], the owner or operator of a facility referenced specified in 23.7.1 of this regulation shall certify to the Department that the facility is exempt by providing the following: The name and location of the facility. The address and telephone number of the person responsible for the facility. A declaration that the facility is exempt from the emission limitations of 23.3 of this regulation because combined VOC emissions on any day from all flat wood paneling coating lines at the facility are below the applicability threshold before the application of capture systems and control devices. The following equation shall be used to calculate total VOC emissions for that day:

T = Total VOC emissions from coating lines at the facility for each category of flat wood paneling (as specified in 23.3.1 of this regulation) before the application of capture systems and control devices in units of kg VOC/day (lb VOC/day).
n = Number of different coatings applied on each coating line at the facility.
i = Subscript denoting an individual coating.
C = Mass of VOC per area of coated finished product in units of kg VOC/100 m2 (lb VOC/1,000 ft2).
D = The surface area coated at the facility each day in units of m2/day (ft2/day).
a = Constant = 100 m2 if using metric units.
= 1,000 ft2 if using English units. Recordkeeping. On and after November 15, 1993 [insert the effective date of this revision of 23.0 [of this regulation]], the owner or operator of a facility referenced specified in 23.7.1 of this regulation shall collect and record all of the following information each day and maintain the information at the facility for a period of five years: The name and identification number of each coating, as applied, used to coat each type of flat wood paneling product. The volume of coating (i) (excluding water and exempt compounds), as applied, used each day to coat each type of flat wood paneling product (specified in 23.3.1 of this regulation), and the surface area coated each day of each type of flat wood paneling product. The total VOC emissions at the facility, as calculated using the equation under of this regulation. Reporting. On and after November 15, 1993 [insert the effective date of this revision of 23.0 [of this regulation]], the owner or operator of a facility referenced specified in 23.7.1 of this regulation shall notify the Department of any record showing that combined VOC emissions from all coating lines at the coating facility exceed 6.8 kg (15 lb) on any day, before the application of capture systems and control devices. A copy of such record shall be sent to the Department within 45 calendar days after the exceedance occurs. This requirement is in addition to any other exceedance reporting requirements mandated by the State of Delaware.
23.7.2 Requirements for coating sources using complying coatings. An owner or operator of a flat wood paneling coating line subject to 23.0 of this regulation and complying with 23.3 of this regulation by means of the use of complying coatings shall comply with the following: Certification. By November 15, 1993 Within six months after [insert the effective date of this revision of 23.0 [of this regulation]], or upon startup of a new coating line, or upon changing the method of compliance for an existing coating line from control devices to the use of complying coatings, the owner or operator of a coating line referenced specified in 23.7.2 of this regulation shall certify to the Department that the coating line is or will be in compliance with the requirements of the applicable section of this regulation on and after November 15, 1993 [insert the effective date of this revision of 23.0 [of this regulation]], or on and after the initial startup date. Such certification shall include: The name and location of the facility. The address and telephone number of the person responsible for the facility. Identification of subject sources. The name and identification number of each coating, as applied, used to coat each type of flat wood paneling product. The mass of VOC per area of coated finished product The VOC content of each coating for each type of flat wood paneling product (specified in 23.3.1 of this regulation) in terms of kg VOC/100 m2 (lb VOC/1,000 ft2) lb VOC/gal of coating material applied (or kg VOC/L of coating material applied) and the surface area volume of each coating (in terms of gal or L) coated each day of each type of flat wood paneling product. Recordkeeping. On and after November 15, 1993 [insert the effective date of this revision of 23.0 [of this regulation]], or on and after the initial startup date, the owner or operator of a coating line referenced in 23.7.2 of this regulation and complying by the use of complying coatings shall collect and record all of the following information each day for each coating line and maintain the information at the facility for a period of five years: The name and identification number of each coating, as applied, used to coat each type of flat wood paneling product. The mass of VOC per area of coated finished product The VOC content of each coating for each type of flat wood paneling product (specified in 23.3.1 of this regulation) for each coating used each day in terms of kg VOC/100 m2 (lb VOC/1,000 ft2) lb VOC/gal of coating material applied (or kg VOC/L of coating material applied) and the surface area volume of each coating (in terms of gal or L) coated each day of each type of flat wood paneling product. Reporting. On and after November 15, 1993 [insert the effective date of this revision of 23.0 [of this regulation]], the owner or operator of a flat wood paneling coating line referenced in 23.7.2 of this regulation shall notify the Department in either of the following instances: Any record showing use of any noncomplying coatings shall be reported by sending a copy of such record to the Department within 45 calendar days following that use. This reporting requirement is in addition to any other exceedance reporting mandated by the State of Delaware. At least 30 calendar days before changing the method of compliance from the use of complying coatings to control devices, the owner or operator shall comply with all requirements of of this regulation, as well as 7 DE Admin. Code 1102. Upon changing the method of compliance from the use of complying coatings to control devices, the owner or operator shall comply with all requirements of the section applicable to the coating line referenced in 23.7.3 of this regulation.
23.7.3 Requirements for coating sources using control devices. Any owner or operator of a flat wood paneling coating line subject to 23.0 of this regulation and complying with 23.3 of this regulation by the use of control devices shall comply with the following: Testing of control equipment. By November 15, 1993 Within six months after [insert the effective date of this revision of 23.0 [of this regulation]], or upon startup of a new coating line, or upon changing the method of compliance for an existing coating line from the use of complying coatings to control devices, the owner or operator of the subject coating line shall perform a compliance test. Testing shall be performed within 90 days of startup, and pursuant to the procedures in Appendix A, Appendix B and Appendix D of this regulation and 23.6 of this regulation. The owner or operator of the subject coating line shall submit to the Department the results of all tests and calculations necessary to demonstrate that the subject coating line is or will be in compliance with the applicable section of this regulation on and after November 15, 1993 [insert the effective date of this revision of 23.0 [of this regulation]], or on and after the initial startup date. Recordkeeping. On and after November 15, 1993 [insert the effective date of this revision of 23.0 [of this regulation]], or on and after the initial startup date, the owner or operator of a coating line referenced in 23.7.3 of this regulation shall collect and record all of the following information each day for each coating line and maintain the information at the facility for a period of five years: The name and identification number of each coating used on each coating line, as applied, used to coat each type of flat wood paneling product. The mass of VOC per area of coated finished product The VOC content of each coating for each type of flat wood paneling product (specified in 23.3.1 of this regulation) in terms of kg VOC/100 m2 (lb VOC/1,000 ft2) lb VOC/gal of coating material applied (or kg VOC/L of coating material applied), and the surface area volume of each coating (in terms of gal or L) coated each day of each type of flat wood paneling product. The maximum VOC content of the coatings, as applied, used each day (mass of VOC per area of coated finished product in terms of kg VOC/100 m2 [lb VOC/1,000 ft2]) (in terms of lb VOC/gal of coating material applied [or kg VOC/L of coating material applied]. The required overall emission reduction efficiency for each day for each coating line as determined in 23.6.2 of this regulation. The actual overall emission reduction efficiency achieved for each day for each coating line as determined in 3.0 of Appendix D of this regulation. Control device monitoring data. A log of operating time for the capture system, control device, monitoring equipment, and the associated coating line. A maintenance log for the capture system, control device, and monitoring equipment detailing all routine and non-routine maintenance performed including dates and duration of any outages. For thermal incinerators, all 3-hour periods of operation in which the average combustion temperature was more than [28 10]°C (50°F) below the average combustion temperature during the most recent performance test that demonstrated that the facility was in compliance. The combustion chamber set-point shall be no less than that during the most recent performance test that demonstrated that the facility was in compliance. For catalytic incinerators, all three-hour periods of operation in which the average temperature of the process vent stream immediately before the catalyst bed is more than [28 10]°C (50°F) below the average temperature of the process vent stream immediately before the catalyst bed during the most recent performance test that demonstrated that the facility was in compliance. The set-point for the process vent stream immediately before the catalyst bed shall be no less than that during the most recent performance test that demonstrated that the facility was in compliance. For carbon adsorbers, all three-hour periods of operation during which either the average VOC concentration or the reading of organics in the exhaust gases is more than 20% greater than the average exhaust gas concentration or reading measured by the organics monitoring device during the most recent determination of the recovery efficiency of the carbon adsorber that demonstrated that the facility was in compliance. Reporting. On and after November 15, 1993 [insert the effective date of this revision of 23.0 [of this regulation]], the owner or operator of a subject coating line referenced in 23.7.3 of this regulation shall notify the Department in the following instances: Any record showing noncompliance with the applicable requirements for control devices shall be reported by sending a copy of the record to the Department within 45 calendar days following the occurrence. This requirement is in addition to any other exceedance reporting mandated by the State of Delaware. At least 30 calendar days before changing the method of compliance from control devices to the use of complying coatings, the owner or operator shall comply with all requirements of of this regulation, and 7 DE Admin. Code 1102. Upon changing the method of compliance from control devices to the use of complying coatings, the owner or operator shall comply with all requirements of the Section applicable to the coating line referenced in 23.7.2 of this regulation.
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37.1 Applicability
37.1.1 The provisions of 37.0 of this regulation apply to any packaging rotogravure, publication rotogravure, or flexographic printing press at any facility whose maximum theoretical emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) (including solvents used to clean each of these printing presses) without control devices from all printing presses are greater than or equal to 7.7 tons per year. on and after [insert effective date [of this revision of 37.0] of this regulation], [and.]
37.1.2 Transition period for existing permitted sources. Every owner or operator of press that is subject to of this regulation and that is covered by a permit issued pursuant to 7 DE Admin. Code 1102 or 1130 containing all applicable conditions of 37.0 of this regulation, as that regulation existed on November 29, 1994, shall comply with those permit conditions [until December 31, 2010 for up to one year after the effective date of this revision of 37.0 of this regulation]. On and after [January 1, 2011 the date one year after the effective date of this revision of 37.0 of this regulation], every such owner or operator of any flexible package printing facility shall comply with the provisions of 37.0 of this regulation.
37.1.23 An owner or operator of a facility whose emissions are below the applicability thresholds in 37.1.1 and of this regulation shall comply with the certification, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements of 37.7.1 of this regulation.
37.1.34 Any facility that becomes or is currently subject to the provisions of 37.0 of this regulation by exceeding the applicability thresholds in 37.1.1 and of this regulation will remain subject to these provisions even if its emissions later fall below the applicability thresholds.
37.1.45 Any facility that is currently subject to a state or federal rule promulgated pursuant to the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1977 by exceeding an applicability threshold is and will remain subject to these provisions, even if its throughput or emissions have fallen or later fall below the applicability threshold.
37.2 Definitions. As used in 37.0 of this regulation, all terms not defined herein shall have the meaning given them in the November 15, 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments, or in 2.0 of this regulation.
"Add-on air pollution control device (APCD)" means an emission control device or system that is originally separated from an emission source but can be later added or installed to the emission source to reduce emission from the source.
"Flexible packaging" means any package or part of a package the shape of which can be readily changed. Flexible packaging includes, but is not limited to, bags, pouches, liners, and wraps utilizing paper, plastic, film, aluminum foil, metalized or coated paper or film, or any combination of these materials.
"Flexible packaging printing" means printing, coating and laminating activities being performed on or in-line with a flexible packaging printing press.
“Flexographic printing press” means a printing press that uses a roll printing technique in which the pattern to be applied is raised above the printing roll and the image carrier is made of rubber or other elastomeric materials.
“Packaging rotogravure printing press” means a rotogravure printing press used to print on paper, paper board, metal foil, plastic film, and other substrates that are, in subsequent operations, formed into packaging products and labels, and other nonpublication products.
“Press-Ready Ink” means ink, as applied to a substrate, after all solvents and diluents have been added.
“Printing press” means equipment used to apply words, pictures, or graphic designs to either a continuous substrate or a sheet. A continuous substrate consists of paper, plastic, or other material that is unwound from a roll, passed through coating or ink applicators and any associated drying areas. The press includes all coating and ink applicators and drying areas between unwind and rewind of the continuous substrate. A sheet consists of paper, plastic, or other material that is carried through the process on a moving belt. The press includes all coating and ink applicators and drying operations between the time that the sheet is put on the moving belt until it is taken off.
“Publication rotogravure printing press” means a rotogravure printing press on which the following paper products are printed:
1. Catalogues, including mail order and premium.
2. Direct mail advertisements, including circulars, letters, pamphlets, cards, and printed envelopes.
3. Display advertisements, including general posters, outdoor advertisements, car cards, window posters; counter and floor displays; points-of-purchase, and other printed display material.
4. Magazines, books.
5. Miscellaneous advertisements, including brochures, pamphlets, catalogue sheets, circular folders, announcements, package inserts, book jackets, market circulars magazine inserts, and shopping news.
6. Newspapers, magazine and comic supplements for newspapers, and preprinted newspaper inserts, including hi-fi and spectacolor rolls and Sections.
7. Periodicals.
8. Telephone and other directories, including business reference services.
“Roll printing” means the application of words, designs, and pictures to a substrate, usually by means of a series of rolls each with only partial coverage.
“Rotogravure printing press” means any printing press designed to print on a substrate using a gravure cylinder.
37.3 Standards
37.3.1 No owner or operator of a packaging rotogravure or flexographic printing press subject to 37.0 of this regulation shall apply any coating or ink unless the VOC content is equal to or less than one of the following: 40% VOC by volume of the coating or ink, excluding water and exempt compounds, as applied. 25% VOC by volume of the volatile content in the coating or ink, as applied. 0.5 kilogram (kg) VOC per kg (0.5 pound [lb] VOC per lb) coating solids, as applied.
37.3.2 No owner or operator of a publication rotogravure printing press subject to 37.0 of this regulation shall apply any coating or ink unless the VOC content is equal to or less than one of the following: 40% VOC by volume of the coating or ink, excluding water and exempt compounds, as applied. 25% VOC by volume of the volatile content in the coating or ink, as applied.
37.3.3 As an alternative to compliance with the limits in 37.3.1 or 37.3.2 of this regulation, an owner or operator of a packaging rotogravure, publication rotogravure, or flexographic printing press may comply with the requirements of of this regulation by meeting the requirements of 37.4 or 37.5 of this regulation.
37.4 Daily-weighted average limitations
37.4.1 No owner or operator of a packaging rotogravure, publication rotogravure, or flexographic printing press shall apply, during any day, coatings or inks on the subject printing press unless the daily-weighted average, by volume, VOC content of all coatings and inks, as applied, each day on the subject printing press is equal to or less than the limitation specified in either or (as determined by 37.4.4); or (as determined by 37.4.5); or, in the case of packaging rotogravure or flexographic printing, (as determined by 37.4.6) of this regulation.
37.4.2 An owner or operator may comply with the daily-weighted average limitation by grouping coatings or inks used on a printing press into two categories that meet the conditions in and of this regulation. Any use of averaging between the two categories of coating or inks used on a packaging rotogravure press or on a flexographic press requires compliance with the emission standard in of this regulation, as determined by the equation in 37.4.6 of this regulation. The daily-weighted average VOC content for the first category shall comply with or of this regulation, as determined by applying the equation in 37.4.4 of this regulation to the coatings or inks in this first category. The daily weighted-average VOC content for the second category shall comply with or of this regulation, as determined by applying the equation in 37.4.5 of this regulation to the coatings or inks in this second category.
37.4.3 Compliance with 37.0 of this regulation shall be demonstrated through the applicable coating or ink analysis test methods and procedures specified in Appendix B of this regulation and the recordkeeping and reporting requirements specified in 37.7.3 of this regulation.
37.4.4 The following equation shall be used to determine if the weighted average VOC content of all coatings and inks, as applied, each day on the subject printing press exceeds the limitation specified in or of this regulation:

VOC(i)(A) = The weighted average VOC content in units of percent VOC by volume of all coatings and inks (excluding water and exempt compounds) used each day.
i = Subscript denoting a specific coating or ink, as applied.
n = The number of different coatings or inks, as applied, each day on a printing press.
Li = The liquid volume of each coating or ink, as applied, used that day in units of liters (L) (gallons [gal]).
Vsi = The volume fraction of solids in each coating or ink, as applied.
VVOCi = The volume fraction of VOC in each coating or ink, as applied.
37.4.5 The following equation shall be used to determine if the weighted average VOC content of all coatings and inks, as applied, each day on the subject printing press exceeds the limitation specified in or of this regulation:

VOC(i)(B) = The weighted average VOC content in units of percent VOC by volume of the volatile content of all coatings and inks used each day.
i = Subscript denoting a specific coating or ink, as applied.
n = The number of different coatings or inks, as applied, each day on each printing press.
Li = The liquid volume of each coating or ink, as applied, in units of L (gal).
VVOCi = The volume fraction of VOC in each coating or ink, as applied.
VVCi = The volume fraction of volatile matter in each coating or ink, as applied.
37.4.6 The following equation shall be used to determine if the weighted average VOC content of all coatings and inks, as applied, each day on the subject printing press exceeds the limitation specified in of this regulation:

VOC(i)(C) = The weighted average VOC content in units of mass of VOC per mass of coating solids.
i = Subscript denoting a specific coating or ink, as applied.
n = The number of different coatings or inks, as applied, each day on a printing press.
Li = The liquid volume of each coating or ink, as applied, used on the day in units of L (gal).
Di = The density of each, as applied, in units of mass of coating or ink per unit volume of
coating or ink.
WVOCi = The weight fraction of VOC in each coating or ink, as applied.
Wsi = The weight fraction of solids in each coating or ink, as applied.
37.5 Control devices
37.5.1 No owner or operator of a packaging rotogravure, publication rotogravure, or flexographic printing press equipped with a control system shall operate the printing press unless the owner or operator meets one of the requirements under and of this regulation. Control device efficiency A carbon adsorption control device is used that reduces the VOC emissions delivered from the capture system to the control device by at least 90% by weight. An incineration control device is used to reduce VOC emissions delivered from the capture system to the control device by at least 90%, by weight. Any other VOC emission control device is used to reduce the VOC emissions delivered from the capture system to the control device by at least 90%. Overall control efficiency. The printing press is equipped with a capture system and control device that provides an overall emission reduction efficiency of at least: For any press not subject to of this regulation, an overall emission reduction efficiency of at least: 75% for a publication rotogravure printing press. 65% for a packaging rotogravure printing press. 60% for a flexographic printing press. For any individual flexible packing printing press with the potential-to-emit before controls greater than 25 tons of VOC per year, an overall emission reduction efficiency specified in, or specified in through below, whichever is higher: 80% for any press that was first installed on or after March 14, 1995 and that is controlled by an APCD whose first installation date was on or after (insert the effective date of this revision [of 37.0 of this regulation]). 75% for any press that was first installed on or after March 14, 1995 and that is controlled by an APCD whose first installation date was prior to (insert the effective date of this revision [of 37.0 of this regulation]). 70% for any press that was first installed prior to March 14, 1995 and that is controlled by an APCD whose first installation date was on or after (insert the effective date of this revision [of 37.0 of this regulation]). 65% for any press that was first installed prior to March 14, 1995 and that is controlled by an APCD whose first installation date was prior to (insert the effective date of this revision [of 37.0 of this regulation]).
37.5.2 An owner or operator of a packaging rotogravure, publication rotogravure, or flexographic printing press equipped with a control system shall ensure that: A capture system and control device are operated at all times that the printing press is in operation, and the owner or operator demonstrates compliance with 37.0 of this regulation through the applicable coating analysis and capture system and control device efficiency test methods specified in Appendix B, Appendix D and Appendix E of this regulation and in accordance with the capture efficiency test methods in Appendix D of this regulation. The control device is equipped with the applicable monitoring equipment specified in 2.0 of Appendix D of this regulation, and the monitoring equipment is installed, calibrated, operated, and maintained according to the vendor's specifications at all times the control device is in use.
37.6 Test methods. The VOC content of each coating and ink and the efficiency of each capture system and control device shall be determined by the applicable test methods and procedures specified in Appendix A through Appendix D of this regulation to establish the records required under 37.7 of this regulation.
37.7 Recordkeeping and reporting
37.7.1 Requirements for exempt sources. By November 15, 1993 Within six months after [insert the effective date of this revision of 37.0 [of this regulation]], any owner or operator of a printing press that is exempt from the requirements of 37.0 of this regulation because of the criteria in 37.1 of this regulation shall comply with the following: Initial certification. The owner or operator shall certify to the Department that the facility is exempt under the provisions of 37.1 of this regulation. Such certification shall include: The name and location of the facility. The address and telephone number of the person responsible for the facility. A declaration that the facility is exempt from 37.0 of this regulation because of the criteria in 37.1 of this regulation. Calculations demonstrating that total potential emissions of VOC from all flexographic and rotogravure printing presses at the facility are and will be less than 7.7 tons per year of press-ready ink, before the application of capture systems and control devices. Total potential emissions of VOC for a flexographic or rotogravure printing facility is the sum of potential emissions of VOC from each flexographic and rotogravure printing press at the facility. The following equation shall be used to calculate total potential emissions of VOC per calendar year before the application of capture systems and control devices for each flexographic and rotogravure printing press at the facility:

EP = Total potential emissions of VOC from one flexographic or rotogravure printing press in units of kilograms per year (kg/yr) (pounds per year [lb/yr]).
A = Weight of VOC per volume of solids of the coating or ink with the highest VOC content, as applied, each year on the printing press in units of kilograms VOC per liter (kg VOC/L) (pounds of VOC per gallon [lb VOC/gal]) of coating or ink solids.
B = Total volume of solids for all coatings and inks that can potentially be applied each year on the printing press in units of liters per year (L/yr) (gallons per year [gal/yr]). The instrument or method by which the owner or operator accurately measured or calculated the volume of coating and ink solids applied and the amount that can potentially be applied each year on the printing press shall be described in the certification to the Department. Recordkeeping. The owner or operator shall collect and record all of the following information each year for each printing press and maintain the information at the facility for a period of five years: The name and identification number of each coating and ink, as applied, each year on each printing press. The weight of VOC per volume of coating solids and the volume of solids of each coating and ink, as applied, each year on each printing press. The total potential emissions as calculated in of this regulation using VOC content for that year. Reporting. Any record showing that total potential emissions of VOC from all printing presses exceed 7.7 tons per year of press-ready ink in any calendar year before the application of capture systems and control devices shall be reported by sending a copy of such record to the Department within 45 calendar days after the exceedance occurs. This requirement is in addition to any other State of Delaware exceedance reporting requirements.
37.7.2 Requirements for sources using complying coatings or inks. Any owner or operator of a printing press subject to 37.0 of this regulation and complying by means of use of complying coatings or inks, shall comply with the following: Initial certification. By November 15, 1993 Within six months after [insert the effective date of this revision of 37.0 [of this regulation]], or upon initial startup of a new printing press, or upon changing the method of compliance for an existing subject printing press from daily-weighted averaging or control devices to use of complying coatings or inks, the owner or operator of a subject printing press shall certify to the Department that the printing press will be in compliance with 37.3.1 or 37.3.2 of this regulation on and after November 15, 1993 [insert the effective date of this revision of 37.0 [of this regulation]], or on and after the initial startup date. Such certification shall include: The name and location of the facility. The address and telephone number of the person responsible for the facility. Identification of subject sources. The name and identification number of each coating and ink, as applied. The VOC content of all coatings and inks, as applied. Recordkeeping. By November 15, 1993 On and after [insert the effective date of this revision of 37.0 [of this regulation]], or on and after the initial startup date, the owner or operator of a printing press subject to the limitations of 37.0 of this regulation and complying by means of or of this regulation shall collect and record all of the following information each day for each printing press and maintain the information at the facility for a period of five years: The name and identification number of each coating and ink, as applied. The VOC content of each coating and ink, as applied, expressed in units necessary to determine compliance. Reporting. Any record showing an exceedance of the VOC contents of 37.3.1 or 37.3.2 of this regulation shall be reported by the owner or operator of the subject printing press to the Department within 45 calendar days following the exceedance, in addition to complying with any other applicable reporting requirements. At least 30 calendar days before changing the method of compliance with 37.0 of this regulation from the use of complying coatings to daily-weighted averaging or control devices, the owner or operator shall comply with all requirements of or of this regulation, respectively, as well as the requirements of 7 DE Admin. Code 1102. Upon changing the method of compliance with 37.0 of this regulation from the use of complying coatings to daily-weighted averaging or control devices, the owner or operator shall comply with all requirements of 37.7.3 or 37.7.4 of this regulation, respectively.
37.7.3 Requirements for sources using daily-weighted averaging. Any owner or operator of a printing press subject to the limitations of 37.0 of this regulation and complying by means of daily-weighted averaging shall comply with the following: Initial certification. By November 15, 1993 Within six months after [insert the effective date of this revision of 37.0 [of this regulation]], or upon initial startup of a new printing press, or upon changing the method of compliance for an existing subject press from use of complying coating or control devices to daily-weighted averaging, the owner or operator of the subject printing press shall certify to the Department that the printing press will be in compliance with 37.4 of this regulation on and after November 15, 1993 [insert the effective date of this revision of 37.0 [of this regulation]], or on and after the initial startup date. Such certification shall include: The name and location of the facility. The address and telephone number of the person responsible for the facility. The name and identification of each printing press that will comply by means of 37.4 of this regulation. The name and identification number of each coating and ink available for use on each printing press. The VOC content of each coating and ink, as applied, each day on each printing press, expressed in units necessary to determine compliance. The instrument or method by which the owner or operator will accurately measure or calculate the volume of each coating and ink, as applied, each day on each printing press. The method by which the owner or operator will create and maintain records each day as required in of this regulation. An example of the format in which the records required in of this regulation will be kept. Recordkeeping. On and after November 15, 1993 [insert the effective date of this revision of 37.0 [of this regulation]], or on and after the initial startup date, the owner or operator of a printing press subject to the limitations of 37.0 of this regulation and complying by means of daily-weighted averaging shall collect and record all of the following information each day for each printing press and maintain the information at the facility for a period of five years: The name and identification number of each coating and ink, as applied, on each printing press. The VOC content and the volume of each coating and ink, as applied, each day on each printing press, expressed in units necessary to determine compliance. The daily-weighted average VOC content of all coatings and inks, as applied, on each printing press. Reporting. On and after November 15, 1993 [insert the effective date of this revision of 37.0 [of this regulation]], the owner or operator of a subject printing press shall notify the Department in the following instances: Any record showing noncompliance with 37.4 of this regulation shall be reported by sending a copy of such record to the Department within 45 calendar days following the occurrence. This requirement is in addition to any other State of Delaware exceedance reporting requirements. At least 30 calendar days before changing the method of compliance with 37.0 of this regulation from daily-weighted averaging to use of complying coatings or control devices, the owner or operator shall comply with all requirements of of this regulation, respectively, as well as 7 DE Admin. Code 1102. Upon changing the method of compliance with 37.0 of this regulation from daily-weighted averaging to use of complying coatings or control devices, the owner or operator shall comply with all requirements of 37.7.2 or 37.7.4 of this regulation, respectively.
37.7.4 Requirements for sources using control devices. Any owner or operator of a printing press subject to 37.0 of this regulation and complying by means of control devices shall comply with 4.5 of this regulation and the following: Initial certification. By November 15, 1993 Within six months after [insert the effective date of this revision of 37.0 [of this regulation]], or upon initial startup of a new printing press, or upon changing the method of compliance for an existing printing press from use of complying coatings or daily-weighted averaging to control devices, the owner or operator of the subject printing press shall perform all tests and submit to the Department the results of all tests and calculations necessary to demonstrate that the subject printing press will be in compliance with 37.5 of this regulation, on and after November 15, 1993 [insert the effective date of this revision of 37.0], or on and after the initial startup date. Recordkeeping. On and after November 15, 1993 [insert the effective date of this revision of 37.0 [of this regulation]], or on and after the initial startup date, the owner or operator of a printing press subject to the limitations of 37.0 of this regulation and complying by means of control devices shall collect and record all of the following information each day for each printing press and maintain the information at the facility for a period of five years: Control device monitoring data. A log of operating time for the capture system, control device, monitoring equipment and the associated printing press. A maintenance log for the capture system, control device, and monitoring equipment detailing all routine and non-routine maintenance performed including dates and duration of any outages. Reporting. On and after November 15, 1993 [insert the effective date of this revision of 37.0 [of this regulation]], the owner or operator of a subject printing press shall notify the Department in the following instances: Any record showing non-compliance with 37.5 of this regulation shall be reported by sending a copy of such record to the Department within 45 calendar days following the occurrence. This requirement is in addition to any other State of Delaware exceedance reporting requirements. At least 30 calendar days before changing the method of compliance with 37.0 of this regulation from control devices to use of complying coatings or daily-weighted averaging, the owner or operator shall comply with all requirements of or of this regulation, respectively, as well as 7 DE Admin. Code 1102. Upon changing the method of compliance with 37.0 of this regulation from control devices to use of complying coatings or daily-weighted averaging, the owner or operator shall comply with all requirements of 37.7.2 or 37.7.3 of this regulation, respectively.
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45.1 Applicability.
45.1.1 The provisions of 45.0 of this regulation apply to all sources that use organic solvents for the purpose of cleaning. The provisions of 45.3, 45.4, and 45.5 of this regulation do not apply to the following sources: Any source that is covered under 33.0, Solvent Metal Cleaning, of this regulation. Any non-manufacturing area cleaning operation. Any non-routine maintenance of manufacturing facilities and equipment. Any source that uses emits less than 4,540 kilograms (five tons) of cleaning solvent volatile organic compounds per year from all cleaning activities at the facility.
45.1.2 Any facility that becomes or is currently subject to the provisions of 45.0 of this regulation by exceeding the applicability threshold in of this regulation shall remain subject to these provisions even if its emissions later fall below the applicability threshold.
45.1.3 Any facility that is currently subject to a state or federal rule promulgated pursuant to the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1977 by exceeding an applicability threshold is and shall remain subject to these provisions, even if its throughput or emissions later fall below the applicability threshold.
45.1.4 Existing sources shall comply with this regulation upon promulgation. New, reconstructed, or modified sources shall comply with the requirements of this regulation beginning fifteen months after startup and shall follow the time schedule for the solvent usage study, screening tests, and trial evaluations as specified in 45.0 of this regulation.
45.2 Definitions. As used in 45.0 of this regulation, all terms not defined herein shall have the meaning given them in the November 15, 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments (CAAA), or in 2.0 this regulation.
“Cleaning activity” means the physical removal of foreign material from substrate that is being cleaned.
“Cleaning of external surface” means the act of applying a solvent to an external surface for cleaning. The cleaning activities may include, but are not limited to, wiping and spraying. Unit operation systems in this category include, but are not limited to, floor cleaning, equipment cleaning, large manufactured component cleaning, small manufactured component cleaning, and spray-booth cleaning.
“Cleaning of internal surface” means the act of applying a solvent to an interior surface for cleaning. The cleaning activities may include, but are not limited to, flushing, purging, and spraying. Unit operation systems in this category include, but are not limited to, line cleaning, tank cleaning, spray-gun cleaning, and spray-booth cleaning.
“Dipping” means immersing an item in a container of solvent to remove contaminants or residue.
“Equipment, facility, and procedural change” means the use of alternative cleaning techniques and procedures, such as the use of high-pressure water equipment to reduce solvent stripping, floor scrubbers, removable or replaceable equipment covers, improved containment of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from materials in storage/transfer/use, improved reclaim/reuse/recycle procedures, etc.
“Flushing” means pumping a solvent from a reservoir through a pipe or hose or through equipment (e.g., pipes, hoses, tanks) to remove contaminants or residue.
“Material change” means the use of caustic cleaners, cleaners with a low VOC content or low vapor pressure, peelable-type equipment/structure coatings, etc.
“Non-manufacturing area cleaning” means the cleaning of cafeterias, laboratories, pilot facilities, restrooms, office buildings, etc.
“Parts cleaning” means the spraying or wiping of solvent on a part or the dipping of a part in solvent for cleaning. Unit operation systems in this category include, but are not limited to, small manufactured component cleaning, tool cleaning, and maintenance equipment cleaning.
“Purging” means the cleaning of the interior of a spray gun and other attached equipment (e.g., hoses, paint cups) cleaned simultaneously with the spray gun.
“Spraying” means the application of a cleaning solvent to a surface through a nozzle.
“Unit operation system (UOS)” means the ensemble of equipment around which a material balance is performed. A UOS includes all possible points/sources that could result in losses to the atmosphere as a result of its being cleaned, including losses during dispensing of solvent, losses from residual solvent on or in cleaning tools (such as rags), losses from solvent storage, etc. An item of equipment used for cleaning parts by definition is a unit operation; therefore, carry-out losses during removal of cleaned parts shall be considered in a material balance. A UOS may include more than one cleaning activity that, by itself, could be classified as a UOS.
45.3 Standards.
45.3.1 Solvent Usage Study. An owner or operator of a source that uses organic solvents for the purpose of cleaning shall conduct a Solvent Usage Study in accordance with the following procedures: Each type of cleaning operation involving the use of an organic solvent shall be categorized as one or more of the following operations: Cleaning of internal surfaces. Cleaning of external surfaces. Parts cleaning. Each type of cleaning operation involving the use of an organic solvent shall be defined as a UOS that has a theoretical system boundary such that all solvent inputs, outputs, and evaporative losses may be calculated using a simple mass balance equation. The owner or operator shall submit the following information for each UOS as part of the Solvent Usage Study: Engineering drawings or sketches of all UOSs. The drawings or sketches shall indicate a system boundary, solvent input or inputs, solvent output or outputs, and solvent evaporative loss points. One mass balance equation, or equivalent, per UOS. Each equation shall have variables sufficient for calculating total VOC emissions from the UOS. A quantification of total VOC emissions from each UOS. Any relevant assumptions or approximations made in defining each UOS. The Solvent Usage Study shall be completed and submitted to the Department within three months of the promulgation of 45.0 of this regulation.
45.3.2 Screening Tests. An owner or operator of a source that uses organic solvents for the purpose of cleaning shall conduct Screening Tests to evaluate the performance of alternative (aqueous or lower VOC) cleaning solutions in accordance with the following procedures: Screening Tests shall evaluate alternative cleaning solutions as possible substitutes for the current solvents used in the three cleaning operations, or UOSs, identified as the largest sources (or the number identified, if less than three) of uncontrolled VOC emissions by the Solvent Usage Study described in 45.3.1 of this regulation. Screening Tests shall be performed using one, or a combination of, the test methods presented in 45.4 of this regulation. A Screening Test Plan shall be submitted to the Department for review within six months of the promulgation of 45.0 of this regulation. The Department will accept, modify, or reject the Screening Test Plan within 90 days of receiving the plan. The Department may refuse to accept any testing for which it has not had an opportunity to review the test protocol or to observe the test. Once an owner or operator has a Screening Test Plan that has been accepted by the Department, Screening Tests shall be conducted. The results of such Screening Tests shall be submitted to the Department for review within twelve months of the promulgation of 45.0 of this regulation. The Department will accept or reject the Screening Tests results within 90 days of receiving the results. The Department may accept the results of tests conducted after January 1, 1990, but started prior to the adoption of 45.0 of this regulation, if review of the test methods and results show that a test protocol consistent with 45.4 of this regulation was used. The Screening Tests results submitted to the Department shall include, at a minimum, the following information for each alternative cleaning solution examined: The VOC content. The results of the Screening Tests conducted using any of the methods presented in 45.4 of this regulation and accepted by the Department in an approved Screening Test Plan. The results of any other relevant evaluations performed. Identical or similar UOSs may be compared, for the purpose of screening tests and trial evaluations, by establishing with the Department such similarity and receiving Department approval, and as such shall not require separate screening tests and trial evaluations. The Department may consider the similarity of UOSs that are maintained by the owner or operator in a comparable facility or simulated pilot operation in another state.
45.3.3 Trial Evaluations. An owner or operator of a source that uses organic solvents for the purpose of cleaning shall conduct Trial Evaluations for the alternative solvents which show the greatest degree of emission reductions, considering technical and economical feasibility, based on the Screening Tests results accepted by the Department. The Trial Evaluations shall be conducted in accordance with the following procedures: Trial data shall compare cleaning solvent usage both before and during the Trial Evaluations. Each test trial shall evaluate potential material and equipment, facility, and procedural changes for reducing VOC emissions from cleaning solvent usage. Following the Trial Evaluations, an owner or operator of the source shall prepare a Summary Report on the results of the Trial Evaluations. The Summary Report shall include the following information: A brief description of the steps taken under 45.3.1 through 45.3.3 of this regulation to identify cleaning solvent usage and to evaluate material and equipment, facility, and procedural changes to reduce VOC emissions. The results of the Trial Evaluations. The Department may accept the results of any Trial Evaluations conducted after January 1, 1990, but started prior to the adoption to 45.0 of this regulation, if review of the test methods and results show that a test protocol consistent with 45.4 of this regulation was used. A Cleaning Solvent Proposal for the adoption of those material and equipment, facility, and procedural changes demonstrated to be feasible and reasonable in reducing VOC emissions. The Summary Report shall include a proposed schedule for implementing the Cleaning Solvent Proposal as soon as practicable, but no later than November 1, 1996. Trial Evaluations shall be completed, and the Summary Report and the Cleaning Solvent Proposal shall be submitted to the Department for review, within twenty months of the promulgation of 45.0 of this regulation, unless an owner or operator demonstrates to the Department that such timing is unreasonable. Identical or similar UOSs may be compared, for the purpose of screening tests and trial evaluations, by establishing with the Department such similarity and receiving Department approval, and as such shall not require separate screening tests and trial evaluations. The Department may consider the similarity of UOSs that are maintained by the owner or operator in a comparable facility or simulated pilot operation in another state. After receipt of the Summary Report and the Cleaning Solvent Proposal, the Department shall approve the report as soon as practicable, or shall notify the owner or operator of any concerns to be addressed. After final Department approval of the Summary Report, the changes will be incorporated into the permit conditions. The owner or operator shall implement the Cleaning Solvent Proposal and the approved schedule. Implementation shall be completed no later than November 1, 1996, unless the owner or operator demonstrates to the Department that such timing is unreasonable. An owner or operator may implement changes to its cleaning solvent proposal that have been approved and implemented under and of this regulation, if the change results in no increase in emissions. In such case, no notification to the Department shall be required. The change, however, shall still be subject to any preconstruction permitting and operating permit approvals that may apply.
45.4 Test Methods. Compliance with of this regulation shall be achieved by applying any of the following test methods:
45.4.1 American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Method D-4828 for determining the practical washability of organic coatings.
45.4.2 Method for determining the performance of alternative cleaning fluids found in Appendix M of this regulation.
45.4.3 Any site-specific evaluation test, accepted by the Department, that is designed to compare cleaning solvent usage through material or procedural changes to potentially reduce VOC emissions.
45.5 Recordkeeping. An owner or operator of a source that uses organic solvents for the purpose of cleaning shall maintain the following records in a readily accessible location for at least five years and shall make these records available to the Department upon verbal or written request:
45.5.1 Detailed records of organic solvent usage for each UOS incorporated in a permit in accordance with the requirements listed in 45.3 of this regulation.
45.5.2 Records of organic solvent usage and monthly VOC emission calculations for each UOS incorporated in a permit.
45.6 Reporting and Certification. An owner or operator of a source that uses organic solvents for the purpose of cleaning shall initially report to the Department the total quantity of solvent that it used for the calendar year prior to the promulgation date of 45.0 of this regulation. This initial report shall be submitted to the Department within three months of the promulgation of 45.0 of this regulation. Each year, the owner or operator shall submit subsequent reports to the Department by the promulgation date (month, day) of 45.0 of this regulation. The initial and subsequent reports shall include the following information:
45.6.1 The name and location of the facility.
45.6.2 The address and telephone number of the person responsible for the facility.
45.6.3 The tons of solvent used during the calendar year prior to the promulgation date of 45.0 of this regulation and a copy of the calculations that were performed to estimate the amounts.
45.6.4 A certification that the source is in compliance with 45.3, 45.4, and 45.5 of this regulation or that these paragraphs do not apply based on the exclusions of 45.1.1 of this regulation.